Sunday, December 28, 2008

All is well...

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Mom and Dad came over her for the day and we played games, watched a little TV, played with the kids and had a good time. Mom gets a little tired but overall she is doing well. Today after church we are going over there to do Christmas with Janet's family. I will try to figure out how to add more pictures to this blog soon. Mom is going in for another radiation treatment on Monday and then a chest x-ray to see if they can take out the chest tube. Janet will be going along which will be good. I get nervous because everytime she has had an x-ray she ends up in the hospital. Hopefully, this will be good news. I better sign off and get to church. Thank you for all your prayers, Mom and everyone can really feel the support.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Well, it is Christmas Eve and Robbie and the kids are already at church. I will be joining them soon. I need to take food over to my Mom and Dad's so we can go there after church to have our traditional spaghetti and meatball supper. Mom made it home today after some disappointing news. The surgery didn't do what they had hoped and now she has a chest tube in so they can drain her lung when necessary. She is tired so we will probably not stay long tonight--at least she is home. We keep remembering to rejoice and be thankful for the reason for the season--Jesus!

Merry Christmas to all!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Back again

Hello all! Yesterday Mom went for her radiation and was still having shortness of breath. They did an x-ray and found a really small hole in her lung that was letting air in. I said that air was supposed to be in the lung but I guess it is going where is isn't supposed to be. They admitted her and this morning put another chest tube in and she is breathing better. This is such an up and down thing. She hopes to go home late today or tomorrow. At least she has power to go home to now. They didn't have power from Friday until Sunday. Hopefully this new storm won't knock it out again. We will have Christmas Eve here and probably Christmas Day, too. Or at least I will do all the food!! Thank you for all your prayers, God is in control and we rest in Him!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

send message

Hello to all. I have had some say they are having trouble leaving comments. If you would like to send a message to either me or my mom, just e-mail me. You can do that through my profile. Thanks--Joy

Thursday, December 18, 2008

More waiting

This seems to be the theme. The doctor's appointment I was waiting for got postponed because Mom can't start chemo until the radiation is done. The first doctor had said she could but that was changed. She has an appointment on January 9th to get all that going. She is feeling good but tired. She has had 2 radiation treatments so far. It seems that each doctor knows what they are doing but there isn't one person to put it all together for you, a coordinator. It is also just a wait and see thing. Try treatment and wait and see how Mom responds. For me, it is frustrating. I want treatment and answers now but that isn't how it works. She is home and happy. Sadie prayed at supper tonight she was glad Grandma was home and better then stopped and looked at me and asked "Is she better?" I just answered "for now!"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Home soon

I went up to see Mom tonight and she looked great. Her chest tube was out and she anticipates being sent home tomorrow. In the morning she has her first radiation treatment on her head and then will get between 10 and 15 treatments. They will be one a day (on weekdays) for 2 to 3 weeks. We think chemo will start within the next week also. I am looking forward to the doctor appointment Thursday to get more info. She feels great and is looking forward to being home.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Good day

The doctor who came in today was great. He couldn't believe how good Mom felt and that she seemed symptom free. He is going to call the chemotherapy doctor (the medical oncologist who we have the appointment on Thursday with) so they are on the same page with treatment. He said since she is not displaying symptoms, the radiation can wait a couple of days. They do radiation on the head because chemo does not go to the brain. The radiation will help the symptoms she should be having not start. I am anxious to learn a little more on Thursday.
Mom said today she is looking forward to getting home and enjoying the season!
I got to spend a good 2 1/2 hours with Mom today--even played cards!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Isaiah 40:30

Church was wonderful this morning but tough. I stood during worship and just cried. God is so good and I know He is in control so I am clinging to that. Hope means to wait so I am trying! The kids and I went up to see Mom after church and she looked great. She was out of bed, sitting in a chair. I hope to be there tomorrow for the radiation oncologist but not sure when he will be there. I feel like everyday we get another bit of information. I do know that there are 4 stages of cancer and Mom is in stage 4. Cancer is in the lung, spine and brain. Prayer is all I can do! Thank you to all who have called and offered help. Please know we appreciate it!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

New on Mom

I decided to start this blog to keep people updated on Mom. She is in the hospital and recovering well from her surgery. We are still waiting for the oncologist appointment to see where we go from here. Thank you to all who are praying for us!