Friday, February 27, 2009

More chemo

Hello to all. The last two weeks have been very good for Mom. She has felt good, been out doing things and had her appetite back. She had her third chemo on Wednesday and woke up Thursday feeling dizzy and unsteady. They went to the cancer center to get blood work done, which came out fine. They gave her fluids, thinking she might be a little dehydrated, and that helped a lot. She is still feeling unsteady on her feet and has been having a slight headache for the last week or so. They are doing an MRI on her head today to see if there is something else going on. We are not sure when we will get the results from that. Mom is still using oxygen, probably permanently, and so they have a sign in the window of the house that says "No Smoking--Oxygen in use". When I drove up to the house the other day Sadie blurts out from the back seat--"No smoking--why can't we smoke?" I didn't even know she could read that!! It was very cute and I explained that oxygen mixed with fire is not good. I am sorry it has been a while since I posted anything but please know that when I don't write--everything is going pretty good!

Oh--we had a good time for Mom's birthday last week. She had been out "partying" with friends on her actual birthday so we came over the next night for pizza and ice cream.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Going well

Hi all! When things are going pretty well, I tend to let time slip and not get on here as I should. It was tough to say good bye to Julie, it was really nice to have her here. Mom has felt really good since her last chemo and has been out and about. It is nice to see her getting around and enjoying doing things. I enjoyed spending time over there scrapbooking on Monday while Mom quilted. I will try to write a little more often but always remember, no news is good news!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

all together

Hi! Sorry it has been a while since I have posted anything. Mom is doing really well and it has been nice having Julie here. I have gotten a chance to catch up on things at home. Janet flew down and was here today,too so we were all together. Playing cards to night we commented on how long it had been since the 5 of us were together without spouses or kids--a long time. Mom had another round of chemo today. Tonight she was doing great--even eating. Let's pray this round is a little less complicated than the last. Janet goes back tomorrow and Julie on Friday.

A little side note--Robbie, Kade and Sadie got to meet someone fun tonight--Tony Dungy. Colts coach, if anyone doesn't know!